Securing Cisco Networks with Snort® Rule Writing Best Practices v2.1

In this self-paced course, Securing Cisco Networks with Snort® Rule Writing Best Practices (SSFRULES) v2.1, shows you how to write rules for Snort, an open-source intrusion detection and prevention system. Through a combination of expert-instruction and hands-on practice, this course provides you with the knowledge and skills to develop and test custom rules, standard and advanced rules-writing techniques, how to integrate OpenAppID into rules, rules filtering, rules tuning, and more. The hands-on labs give you practice in creating and testing Snort rules. 

The course qualifies for 24 Cisco Continuing Education credits (CE) towards recertification. 

This course will help you:

  • Gain an understanding of characteristics of a typical Snort rule development environment
  • Gain hands-on practices on creating rules for Snort
  • Gain knowledge in Snort rule development, Snort rule language, standard and advanced rule options 

This new Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training. Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Interactivity is enabled through Discovery Labs, content review questions, and graded Challenge labs and tests. This makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectiveness, and provides students direct feedback on how well they have mastered the material. And gamification features are built in, including earning badges and a leaderboard, to encourage better performance.

Securing Cisco Networks with Snort® Rule Writing Best Practices v2.0 E-Learning
Beginner$1000,00 for 6 months of access

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Telefone: 703-991-5185

Cisco learning credits

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