Traditional information security is no match for the expanding cybercrime ecosystem; therefore, security measures must evolve to intelligent security rather than information security. Achieving the Cisco Certified CyberOps Professional certification elevates your skills to meet that demand and confirms your abilities as an Information Security analyst in incident response roles, cloud security, and other active defense security roles.

No formal prerequisites for CyberOps Professional. Candidates often also have three to five years of experience implementing enterprise networking solutions solutions.
Exam and Recommended Training

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Cisco learning credits

Credit Redemption With The Nterone 360 Learning Program

Resgate seus NterOne 360 ​​Credits para treinamento através do nosso site! Agora você pode obter o treinamento de que precisa sem pagar a mais pelo curso. Oferecemos uma variedade de cursos de TI que atendem às necessidades de administradores de sistema, gerentes de TI e outros profissionais que desejam expandir seu conjunto de habilidades para atender às crescentes demandas do setor de TI. . .